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June 02.
The Zrínyi memorial ceremony and the war games are one of the oldest traditions in the country and it is much more than a conventional festival. It creates an atmosphere where the visitors of the event can worthily think that the wheel of the time...
Learn more about Szigetvár and its surroundings!
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Vár utca
A kastély elrendezése a módosítások ellenére jellemzően a 16. századi vályogvárakat reprezentálja. A négy torony és a falak egy szabálytalan négyzet...
Address: 7900 Szigetvár,
The memorial cross is located on the north side of the castle. A short walk away. The monument maker Szatyor Győző, inaugurated in 1996.
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Vár u.
Istvánffy Miklós historian, in his work "The history of Hungarians" in the border fortress battles fitting memorial to the heroes set. The modern...
Address: 7555 Csokonyavistona, Üdülősor 1.
Four Seasons Spa Resort (Négy Évszak Termálüdülő)
The Four Seasons Spa Resort is located in Csokonyavisonta, near the thermal bath which can be...